47 research outputs found

    Pursuing precision in medicine and nutrition: the rise of electrochemical biosensing at the molecular level

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    In the era that we seek personalization in material things, it is becoming increasingly clear that the individualized management of medicine and nutrition plays a key role in life expectancy and quality of life, allowing participation to some extent in our welfare and the use of societal resources in a rationale and equitable way. The implementation of precision medicine and nutrition are highly complex challenges which depend on the development of new technologies able to meet important requirements in terms of cost, simplicity, and versatility, and to determine both individually and simultaneously, almost in real time and with the required sensitivity and reliability, molecular markers of different omics levels in biofluids extracted, secreted (either naturally or stimulated), or circulating in the body. Relying on representative and pioneering examples, this review article critically discusses recent advances driving the position of electrochemical bioplatforms as one of the winning horses for the implementation of suitable tools for advanced diagnostics, therapy, and precision nutrition. In addition to a critical overview of the state of the art, including groundbreaking applications and challenges ahead, the article concludes with a personal vision of the imminent roadmap.The financial support of PID2019-103899RBI00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación), and PMP22/00084, PI17CIII/00045, PI20CIII/00019 and PI22/00727 (AES-ISCIII) cofounded with FEDER funds Research Projects and the TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349) are gratefully acknowledged. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.S

    Ole e 15 and its human counterpart -PPIA- chimeras reveal an heterogeneous IgE response in olive pollen allergic patients

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    Olive pollen is a major cause of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergy in Mediterranean countries. It is expected to become a worldwide leading allergenic source because olive cultivation is increasing in many countries. Ole e 15 belongs to the cyclophilin pan-allergen family, which includes highly cross-reactive allergens from non-related plant, animal and mold species. Here, the amino acid differences between Ole e 15 and its weak cross-reactive human homolog PPIA were grafted onto Ole e 15 to assess the contribution of specific surface areas to the IgE-binding. Eight Ole e 15-PPIA chimeras were produced in E. coli, purified and tested with 20 sera from Ole e 15-sensitized patients with olive pollen allergy by ELISA experiments. The contribution of linear epitopes was analyzed using twelve overlapping peptides spanning the entire Ole e 15 sequence. All the patients displayed a diverse reduction of the IgE-reactivity to the chimeras, revealing a highly polyclonal and patient-specific response to Ole e 15. IgE-epitopes are distributed across the entire Ole e 15 surface. Two main surface areas containing relevant conformational epitopes have been characterized. This is the first study to identify important IgE-binding regions on the surface of an allergenic cyclophilin.We thank the excellent technical support of Sara Abián Saz. This work was supported by grants cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER): SAF2014-53209-R to M.V. and R.B. and SAF2017-86483-R to M.V. from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and by the Thematic Networks and Co-operative Research Centres: RIRAAF Network RD12/0013/0015; and ARADyAL (RD16/0006/0014) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). A.N. and A.J. acknowledge PI-01119-2016 from the Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía) and the Alergosur Foundation. R.B. also acknowledges the financial support of the PI17CIII/00045 grant from the AES-ISCIII program. The FPU predoctoral contract to P.S.S.-A. is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. C.O.-S. was supported by a contract of the Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (YEI) with the participation of the Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid y del Fondo Social Europeo.S

    Flat clathrin lattices are linked to metastatic potential in colorectal cancer

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    Clathrin assembles at the cells' plasma membrane in a multitude of clathrin-coated structures (CCSs). Among these are flat clathrin lattices (FCLs), alternative clathrin structures that have been found in specific cell types, including cancer cells. Here we show that these structures are also present in different colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines, and that they are extremely stable with lifetimes longer than 8 h. By combining cell models representative of CRC metastasis with advanced fluorescence imaging and analysis, we discovered that the metastatic potential of CRC is associated with an aberrant membranous clathrin distribution, resulting in a higher prevalence of FCLs in cells with a higher metastatic potential. These findings suggest that clathrin organization might play an important yet unexplored role in cancer metastasis.The authors would like to thank colleagues from KU Leuven MIP division, especially from the group of Prof. Rocha, for their input and critical questions. We thank Fidler’s lab (MD Anderson Cancer Center) for sharing KM12 model cell lines and Dr. Zhuang for making the EYFP-CLTA plasmid available (Addgene plasmid #20921). We also thank Prof. R. Vitale (Universite´ de Lille) for guidance and feedback on the statistical analysis. This work was funded by the Research Foundation - Flanders (C.C. is recipient of a PhD fellowship for fundamental research, FWO grant number 1121221N. G.S.-F. is recipient of a predoctoral contract, FWO grant number 1193818N), and the AES-ISCIII program to R.B. (PI17CIII/00045 and PI20CIII/00019 grants partially supported by FEDER funds). J.H. acknowledges financial support from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO grant numbers G0C1821N and ZW15 09-G0H6316N), from the Flemish Government through long-term structural funding Methusalem (CASAS2, Meth/15/04), and from the MPI as a fellow. S.R. acknowledges financial support from KU Leuven (grant numbers KA/20/026 and IDN/20/021).S

    Benefits of FAIMS to Improve the Proteome Coverage of Deteriorated and/or Cross-Linked TMT 10-Plex FFPE Tissue and Plasma-Derived Exosomes Samples

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    The proteome characterization of complex, deteriorated, or cross-linked protein mixtures as paired clinical FFPE or exosome samples isolated from low plasma volumes (250 µL) might be a challenge. In this work, we aimed at investigating the benefits of FAIMS technology coupled to the Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer for the TMT quantitative proteomics analyses of these complex samples in comparison to the analysis of protein extracts from cells, frozen tissue, and exosomes isolated from large volume plasma samples (3 mL). TMT experiments were performed using a two-hour gradient LC-MS/MS with or without FAIMS and two compensation voltages (CV = -45 and CV = -60). In the TMT experiments of cells, frozen tissue, or exosomes isolated from large plasma volumes (3 mL) with FAIMS, a limited increase in the number of identified and quantified proteins accompanied by a decrease in the number of peptides identified and quantified was observed. However, we demonstrated here a noticeable improvement (>100%) in the number of peptide and protein identifications and quantifications for the plasma exosomes isolated from low plasma volumes (250 µL) and FFPE tissue samples in TMT experiments with FAIMS in comparison to the LC-MS/MS analysis without FAIMS. Our results highlight the potential of mass spectrometry analyses with FAIMS to increase the depth into the proteome of complex samples derived from deteriorated, cross-linked samples and/or those where the material was scarce, such as FFPE and plasma-derived exosomes from low plasma volumes (250 µL), which might aid in the characterization of their proteome and proteoforms and in the identification of dysregulated proteins that could be used as biomarkers.This research was funded by an AES-ISCIII grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI20CIII/00019), co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund “A Way to Achieve Europe” (FEDER). A.M.-C. is supported by an FPU predoctoral contract with the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. R.R.-G. is supported by a predoctoral training contract (FI22CIII/00016) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.S

    Anti-double stranded DNA antibodies: Electrochemical isotyping in autoimmune and neurological diseases

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    This work reports the first amperometric biosensor for the simultaneous determination of the single or total content of the most relevant human immunoglobulin isotypes (hIgs) of anti-dsDNA antibodies, dsDNA-hIgG, dsDNA-hIgM, dsDNA-hIgA and dsDNA-three hIgs, which are considered relevant biomarkers in prevalent autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) as well as of interest in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). The bioplatform involves the use of neutravidin-functionalized magnetic microparticles (NA-MBs) modified with a laboratory-prepared biotinylated human double-stranded DNA (b-dsDNA) for the efficient capture of specific autoantibodies that are enzymatically labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme using specific secondary antibodies for each isotype or a mixture of secondary antibodies for the total content of the three isotypes. Transduction was performed by amperometry (-0.20 V vs. the Ag pseudo-reference electrode) using the H2O2/hydroquinone (HQ) system after trapping the resulting magnetic bioconjugates on each of the four working electrodes of a disposable quadruple transduction platform (SP4CEs). The bioplatform demonstrated attractive operational characteristics for clinical application and was employed to determine the individual or total hIgs classes in serum from healthy individuals and from patients diagnosed with SLE and AD. The target concentrations in AD patients are provided for the first time in this work. In addition, the results for SLE patients and control individuals agree with those obtained by applying ELISA tests as well as with the clinical ranges reported by other authors, using individual detection methodologies restricted to centralized settings or clinical laboratories.The financial support of PID2019-103899RB-I00 and PID2021-122457OB-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Research Projects, PI17CIII/00045 and PI20CIII/00019 Grants from the AESISCIII Program co-founded by FEDER funds and the TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349) are gratefully acknowledged. B.A. acknowledges predoctoral contracts from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PRE2019-087596). M.G-A. acknowledges the postdoctoral contract Margarita Salas for the requalification of the Spanish University System. A.M-C. was supported by a FPU predoctoral contract supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.S

    Dual detection system for cancer-associated point mutations assisted by a multiplexed LNA-based amperometric bioplatform coupled with rolling circle amplification

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    DNA point mutation in a BRAF proto-oncogene, V600E, is considered an important prognostic and predictive biomarker in various types of cancer, such as melanoma or colorectal cancer. We report here a novel electrochemical (EC) bioplatform for the analysis of BRAF V600E mutation coupled with rolling circle amplification (RCA) and locked nucleic acid (LNA) capture probes. A dual detection system was implemented, whereby two padlock probes complementary to either wild-type (wt) BRAF gene or DNA with V600E mutation (mut) led to amplification of wt or mut variant, respectively. Hybridization with specific LNA capture probes then increased the assay specificity, while EC detection provided rapid measurement times. The bioplatform was applied to analyze BRAF V600E mutation of cancer cells and tumor tissues from patients with melanoma or colorectal cancer. This is the first RCA-based EC bioplatform for BRAF analysis in a dual format without using PCR or sophisticated instrumentation.The financial support of the Czech Health Research Council (No. NU21-08-00078), National Institute for Cancer Research (Programme EXCELES, ID Project No. LX22NPO5102) - Funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU, BBMRI.cz (No. LM2023033), MH CZ - DRO (MMCI, 00209805), PID2019-103899RB-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion), ´ TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (S2018/NMT-4349) and PI20CIII/00019 Grants from the AES-ISCIII Program co-founded by FEDER funds, are gratefully acknowledged. A. Valverde acknowledges a predoctoral contract from Complutense University of Madrid. Authors would like to thank Nina Libova for her technical support.S

    Tackling CD147 exosome-based cell-cell signaling by electrochemical biosensing for early colorectal cancer detection

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    The great opportunities represented by exosomes in liquid biopsy diagnostics and the relevance of CD147 protein as diagnostic and prognostic cancer biomarker led us to develop the first bio-electroanalytical platform for the determination of exosomal CD147 (exoCD147) by exploiting micro-sized magnetic beads coated with specific anti-CD147 antibodies. The captured exosomal target protein was sandwiched by specific biotin functionalized detector antibodies followed by attaching streptavidin-HRP conjugate to perform the amperometric reading using screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) as electrode transducers in the presence of hydroquinone (HQ) and H2O2. The analytical and operational characteristics achieved by implementing this simple methodology allowed the sensitive (LOD 29 pg mL-1) and selective determination of CD147 and the analysis of exoCD147 in different but inter-related real clinical scenarios including lysed and entire exosomes previously isolated from CRC cell lines with different metastatic potential. The obtained results, in agreement with those provided by ELISA and WB, proved the reliability of the developed immunosensor and its potential to isolate or identify specific subpopulations of exosomes based on the differential expression of characteristic surface biomarkers.The financial support of PID2019-103899RB-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Research Project and the TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349) are gratefully acknowledged. R.B. acknowledges the financial support of PI20CIII/00019 grant from the AES-ISCIII program. A.M-C. acknowledges a FPU predoctoral contract supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.S

    Angiogenesis inhibitor or aggressiveness marker? The function of endostatin in cancer through electrochemical biosensing

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    This work reports the first electrochemical bioplatform developed for the determination of human endostatin (HE), a biomarker with recognized antiangiogenic potential whose elevated circulating levels have also been associated with the development of aggressive cancers. The developed electroanalytical biotool combines the benefits of using magnetic microparticles for the implementation of sandwich immunoassays and amperometric transduction on disposable carbon electrodes. A limit of detection (LOD) of 34.1 pg mL-1 for HE standards and a selectivity suitable for its foray into the clinical oncology area, are demonstrated. The determination of HE in clinical samples such as lysates and secretomes of colorectal cancer (CRC) cells, plasma, and tissue samples from patients with CRC in different stages, has been faced with satisfactory results showing the ability for discriminating the metastatic capabilities of cells and for identifying and staging CRC patients. The developed bioplatform allows precise quantitative determinations, requiring minimal pre-treatments and sample amounts in only 75 min. In addition, due to the instrumentation and the type of substrates used in the detection step, the biotool is compatible with implementation in multiplexed and/or point-of-need devices, features in which this bioplatform is advantageous with respect to the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or immunoblotting technologies.The financial support of PID2019-103899RB-I00 (Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) Research Project and PI20CIII/00019 Grant from the AES-ISCIII Program co-founded by FEDER funds and the TRANSNANOAVANSENS-CM Program from the Comunidad de Madrid (Grant S2018/NMT-4349) are gratefully acknowledged. M.G-A. acknowledges the postdoctoral contract Margarita Salas for the requalification of the Spanish University System. A.M-C. was supported by a FPU predoctoral contract supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. S.T.M. acknowledges a predoctoral contract from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PRE2020-092859).S

    Homogeneous immunoassay for cyclopiazonic acid based upon mimotopes and upconversion-resonance energy transfer

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    Strains of Penicillium spp. are used for fungi-ripened cheeses and Aspergillus spp. routinely contaminate maize and other crops. Some of these strains can produce toxic secondary metabolites (mycotoxins), including the neurotoxin α-cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). In this work, we developed a homogeneous upconversion-resonance energy transfer (UC-RET) immunoassay for the detection of CPA using a novel epitope mimicking peptide, or mimotope, selected by phage display. CPA-specific antibody was used to isolate mimotopes from a cyclic 7-mer peptide library in consecutive selection rounds. Enrichment of antibody binding phages was achieved, and the analysis of individual phage clones revealed four different mimotope peptide sequences. The mimotope sequence, ACNWWDLTLC, performed best in phage-based immunoassays, surface plasmon resonance binding analyses, and UC-RET-based immunoassays. To develop a homogeneous assay, upconversion nanoparticles (UCNP, type NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+) were used as energy donors and coated with streptavidin to anchor the synthetic biotinylated mimotope. Alexa Fluor 555, used as an energy acceptor, was conjugated to the anti-CPA antibody fragment. The homogeneous single-step immunoassay could detect CPA in just 5 min and enabled a limit of detection (LOD) of 30 pg mL-1 (1.5 μg kg-1) and an IC50 value of 0.36 ng mL-1. No significant cross-reactivity was observed with other co-produced mycotoxins. Finally, we applied the novel method for the detection of CPA in spiked maize samples using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) as a reference method.This work has been funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MSIU) (RTI2018-096410-B-C21, PID2021-127457OB-C21 and PID2019-105237 GB-I00). FP acknowledges the MSIU for an FPU contract.S

    Ash pollen immunoproteomics: Identification, immunologic characterization, and sequencing of 6 new allergens

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    Immunoproteomics, IgE-inhibition assays and cDNA-cloning reveals that ash and olive allergenic protein profiles are mostly equivalent, thus explaining their high cross reactivity. Our data suggest simplifying diagnosis of patients by using indistinctly ash or olive pollen